Chuck Meads from the Ski-Co-Ak (Now Powhatan) Chapter was the first to receive the Vigil Honor in our Lodge. He received this high honor at the Area III Meeting at broad Creek Scout Camp in Baltimore Maryland, on April 30, 1950. To become eligible, a member had to be an active Brotherhood member for at least 36 months. Our Lodge in May of 1950; two in Norfolk and one in Portsmouth presented three Indian Pageants. This was the first time that the public could enjoy the beautiful costumes and the excellent dancing performed by the members of the Blue Heron Lodge. Our Lodge sent five representatives to the National Jamboree at Valley Forge, June 26 to July 8, 1950. The Blue Heron Lodge was selected to open the District 29 Campfire with 1,380 boys in attendance. Paul Scarboro, Under-Chief of the Lodge was master of Ceremonies. He was assisted by James Cates Jr. and Forest Harrell. The campfire was opened by a Sioux Tribal Prayer and Fire Dance. Parts of the costumes were furnished by the Lodge and the rest made at the Jamboree. E. Urner Goodman, Father of the Order of the Arrow, was high in his praise of our Lodge and autographed several of the breech cloths of the members.
In 1949, 1950, 1951, the Lodge conducted Green Bar meets at Camp Darden to train Patrol leaders and Senior Patrol Leaders in the skills of Scouting and leadership. The training was open to all Scouts in the council.
First Even Patch, 1952
The Lodge’s first Fellowship patch was designed by Robert Townsend for the Spring Fellowship held at Darden Scout Reservation on June 31, 1952.
IIIA to IIIC, 1953
By 1953, the Lodge was in solid action, and held its first annual Fall Fellowship. This same year, through efforts of many Blue Heron members, the Area III-C (as formed until 1972) formed and moved into action with two Blue Heron III-C Chiefs in a row. Blue Heron can be proud of its major roll in starting the Area. Our Lodge has been honored with twelve out of 28 Area Chiefs.
The Totem Grows Up, 1954
In 1954, a demand arose from the Lodge for the change of the Lodge neckerchief. Mr. Jimmy Mageen designed the rough “diamond” and a lodge committee formed of S. E. Salyer, Mickey Warner, and others came up with the now-famous patch. Shortly after that, the same basic pattern of the “diamond” was developed into the Arrow flap. It was the first full-embroidered flap in the United States. The basic design has never been changed since then and now has become valued as one of the best-known patches in existence.
Ceremony in Camp Darden, 1955Area 3-C Pow Wow, 195510th Anniversary Blue Heron Lodge Fall Fellowship, 1956
The Pass to Pipsico, 1957
During 1957, the use and improvements to Camp Darden and Lake Constance were significant. But at places to camp in the council became used more and more the camp slowly became inadequate. On November 11, 1957 the Tidewater Council Executive Board unanimously voted to acquire the Pipsico property in Surry County. This new 916 acre site on the James River was used in conjunction with Darden until 1961 when the camp was deeded to the Girl Scouts of America as Governor Darden and his wige had wished. Due to the lack of facilities in Lions, many ordeals were partly held in both camps where the service and arduous labor was provided to Lions and the ceremonies were conducted in Darden. This happened several times until the proper facilities were available in the new camp.